A dream wedding venue springs from a storm weathered past...

A storm-beaten legacy

Four years ago we began the renovation of Barnbougle Castle. Almost a century after being closed up, it was still deeply beautiful and inspiring. However, it was also a little faded and time-worn. Its rugged coastal location and the battering by storms over time had taken their toll.

Our dream was to turn back time. The castle would be returned to the bright, halcyon days when it welcomed guests from all over the world.

That dream has come true

Last week we attended our first Scottish Luxury Wedding Show at the Balmoral Hotel in Edinburgh. We proudly presented Barnbougle as the place where the romance and beauty of the past combine with up-to-date facilities.

The Castle revels in its new Wi-Fi and security. It is heated properly for the first time in its history. New wiring, plumbing and kitchen facilities mean Barnbougle is now thoroughly modern. Despite all the changes, the Castle retains - and now glows with its old grace and spirit.

Credit - Colin Ross Photography

Credit - Colin Ross Photography

Credit - Colin Ross Photography

Credit - Colin Ross Photography

Our first wedding show

It was such a pleasure to meet the hundreds of couples who came to our stand to ask about the Castle. We listened keenly to what impressed them most about it. For some it was the majestic Banqueting Hall and for others it was the great spiral staircase. Each couple had their own unique viewpoint, each imagining themselves at Barnbougle on their most special day. However, none could fail to be awed by the amazing views across and along the Forth towards Edinburgh.

See our our listing at Luxury Scottish Weddings here.

In fulfilling our own dreams of bringing Barnbougle Castle back to life, we're delighted to also help their dream wedding days come true.